Saturday, January 9, 2010

Prayers For a Special Soul...

Just a quick post.....
A fellow blogger I've been following is in desperat need of some help. He is a Bright young man with a good kind heart who has been in a accident. All I ask if for everyone to to please give a prayer, a thought, a part of your strength to help him onto the road of recovery. Religious, Spiritual or not, We as people have the power to make a different.... Please have Faith it will help.
The Person I am referring to is named Tyler and his Blog is

Thank you for all your efforts and kindness...
We do, and can have strength by numbers....

God Bless...


1 comment:

  1. Lord God,
    I join my heart in these prayer offered up for Tyler. Please come to his aid, and offer him Your heavenly hand of protection upon his life. He is in a coma right now. According to Your love, please come and heal this young man. He has sustained injury to his head and chest. Please lay Your hands upon these areas especially, Lord. These areas are vital to life, and we pray for complete healing upon his body. Grant him sustained life. Refresh him in Your compassionate love. Guard and protect his family, as they suffer in wait right now. Bring peace to his friends, as they feel lost with such suddenness, the friend they have so cherished. Grant healing and peace to all these people, and help them in this process of recovery. Grant them hope, Lord, and bring them through these troubled times.
    We ask this through Christ Jesus, our Lord,
