Monday, January 11, 2010

Gay Christian...

Guilt is such a... troubling emotion. It just pops up at the weirdest of times to say, "Hello...I'm here"
Lets take right now for instance. I'm writing because I can't sleep. I can't sleep because I've been praying for a special someone... but get this. this is the thing I so dearly truly struggle with... Gay, and the Church... I felt guilty that I prayed to LORD, and I'm Gay.... Stupid I know, but its just something the Church has done to me. Yes The Bible says I'm living in Sin, and a Sin is a Sin... But let me ask you this... How many Sins are you committing and have to overcome to mine?
Grr.... All this conflict caused but rude people who make and cast judgment when it is not theirs do.
K. Getting agitated from what caused this, .... let me put it this way... Jehovah Witness came to my house and tried to convert me. It wasn't the first time.... so .... juvenile they were... rude to. Snakes in Sheep's clothing... Oh well... They paid for their prejudiced... The two People who came, left in shame... My few Sins was nothing compared to their many, and they tried to convince me being Gay was the ultimate Sin.... Ya right. As if... I know My stuff well enough...
lol... I'm starting to feel a little light hearted now. K.
Back to Tyler....I've been Praying Man. Got a small circle and group doing it. Pull through. You can to it.

I'll Chat more later. Gotta wake up in a few Hrs... yuck...

Golden Dreams Peeps



  1. hey. i've been catching up on your blog. Keep it up! re: gay / christian, i do firmly belive there is place for gay christians in this world. It can be realy complicated, but i believe it can, and is being done. Will be back again to catch up.

  2. Hey getting together a special blog for Ty... if you want post there .. just email my email is in my profile ... thanks Lee
